Frequently Asked Questions

Will You Make Me Get Rid of All My Treasures?

Absolutely not! I understand we all have special attachments to our belongings; together, we'll sort through and help you identify what you use, need, love, and have space for. You always have the final say.

How to Get Started?

Click here for your free phone consultation.

Should I Clean Up Beforehand?

Absolutely not. This is a judgment-free evaluation of your space. It is important to see how you live so I can help you arrange your home with what you love, use, and need that is safe and easy to maintain.

How Long Will My Project Take?

Every downsizing project is unique. The timeline depends on several factors, including the size of your space, the volume of items to sort through, and how quickly you make decisions. At Downsize Simply, we keep you motivated and focused, ensuring the process is as efficient and stress-free as possible.

What's the Worst You've Seen?

I'm not telling. All services are confidential and judgment-free.

a bookshelf filled with lots of books on top of a white shelf
a bookshelf filled with lots of books on top of a white shelf

Lisa didn't just help me get my house in order. She helped me get my life in order!

woman in white and gray tank top sitting on black chair
woman in white and gray tank top sitting on black chair
two blue beach chairs near body of water
two blue beach chairs near body of water